«Lorenz writes that friendship is found only in animals with “highly developed intra-specific aggression,” and goes on to say that the more aggressive the animal, the deeper the friendship.
The ability to love and form bonds has evolved as a way to temper aggression, to turn it into something more powerful when defending hearth and home.
Friendship and love are essentially evolutionary by-products of aggression. Men and women who form these deep bonds—who evolved ways to mitigate interspecies aggression—have greater success in passing along their genes.
That’s the secret: It’s all about love.»
“A Fighter's Heart: One Man's Journey Through the World of Fighting” by Sam Sheridan
Hey everyone.
As some of you may know, I’m currently in Ukraine. I can't go to my house because russians are shelling civilian targets there heavily, cowardly using the largest nuclear power plant as a shield. Please help us save Nikopol by educating yourself about it on this page and raising awareness among the people you know.
Grateful to Shaun Hopkins of UK4UA.org who helped me get into Ukraine - feel free to explore their work on this page we made and consider supporting this organisation. They deliver critically important medical supplies to Ukraine and they need help.
UK4UA should not have to do this work. Huge international organisations are not doing their jobs because they are too busy doing genocide apologism - we have dedicated pages about the UN and the ICRC. The Shamnesty International page is in the works too.