Hey everyone.
In Mariupol, a city now marked by mass graves and rubble in the aftermath of relentless russian attacks, we now have a video from one of the last remaining outposts of Ukrainian forces. Ukraine DAO’s Contributor Yuriy made English subtitles for these heartbreaking videos by the Kyiv Independent from Azovstal bomb shelters in Mariupol, where over 1,000 civilians have been hiding in bomb shelters for almost 2 months. I encourage everyone to watch them.
Alona [23 Apr 2022 at 23:09:27]:
are you there? in the bomb shelter?
M.[23 Apr 2022 at 23:10:36]:
...already at home, fortunately. We had 2 alarms from 10:00 to 12:30 approximately. We now listen to them very seriously and go down to [redacted].
We arranged a corner there for ourselves where we store our bedding and blankets.
Many Ukrainians discussed one question - how to keep an emergency bag packed if it contains all the necessary things that we use every day.
In the afternoon there were missiles flying. And then in the evening, the air raid siren went off and after 5 minutes explosions were heard. We went down very fast.
It’s very scary to fall asleep these days. When I do feel like I’m falling asleep, it feels like my mind is trying to resist it. The moment I wake up, I beg for all of this to not be real and for the last 6 weeks to turn out to be a nightmare that will be gone when I open my eyes. Unfortunately, every time it turns out to be real, and this is the reality that’s to be faced.
When I saw the new russian missile strikes on Odesa today, I called my close friend who lives there. I’ve known her since 2007 and have never heard her voice like this before. The first thing she said was “That was on my street.” My heart broke when I heard that, but I’m so grateful she is alive.
There are so many things that can help Ukraine; and you know what’s not one of them? Fake “pacifism.”
“Whole new level of happiness”
This woman and her 3 month old baby were both killed today in a russian missile strike in Odesa. Here’s one of her last Instagram posts:
"These were the best 40 weeks ever. Our girl is 1 month old now. Daddy got her her first flowers ❤️ It’s a whole new level of happiness".
German “Intellectuals’” Letter to Scholz
The letter referred to in the tweet below has to be one of the worst things I’ve read in my whole life, on par with the genocide plan published on RIA Novosti recently (we published English and German translations).
The cowardice and hypocrisy of the people who signed that letter (they were not too embarrassed to disclose their names) are beyond me. Germany had no issue whatsoever arming russia with weapons that are now killing Ukrainians, using a loophole in the EU embargo on arms exports to russia. But when it comes to stopping the genocide of Ukrainians, suddenly it’s scared to become a war party.
One of the sentences in the letter reads:
”Despite reports of success from the Ukrainian army, it is far inferior to the Russian one and has little chance of winning this war.”
Here, I can only bring up our President’s speech from last night, to address the “inferiority” mentioned above:
"Today, with reference to the Russian military, the news was spread that their task now is allegedly to establish control over the south of Ukraine and reach the Moldovan border. And allegedly there, in Moldova, the rights of Russian-speakers are violated.
Although, to be honest, the territory in which Russia should take care of the rights of Russian-speakers is Russia itself. Where there is no freedom of speech, no freedom of choice. Where there is simply no right to dissent. Where poverty thrives and where human life is worthless. To the extent that they come to us, go to war to steal at least something that resembles a normal life.
You know they used to talk about their biggest dream: to see Paris and die. And their behaviour is now just shocking. Because their dream now is to steal a toilet and die."
Twitter Feed
The list of the German “intellectuals” who effectively support genocide of Ukrainians
PD Dr. Johannes M. Becker, Politologe, ehem. Geschäftsführer des Zentrums für
Konfliktforschung in Marburg
Daniela Dahn, Journalistin, Schriftstellerin und Publizistin, Pen-Mitglied
Dr. Rolf Gössner, Rechtsanwalt und Publizist, Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte
Jürgen Grässlin, Bundessprecher DFG-VK und Aktion Aufschrei ‒ Stoppt den Waffenhandel!
Joachim Guilliard, Publizist
Dr. Luc Jochimsen, Journalistin, Fernsehredakteurin, MdB 2005-2013
Christoph Krämer, Chirurg, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges IPPNW (deutsche Sektion)
Prof. Dr. Karin Kulow, Politikwissenschaftlerin
Dr. Helmut Lohrer, Arzt, International Councilor, IPPNW (deutsche Sektion)
Prof. Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Dr. Hans Misselwitz, Grundwertekommission der SPD
Ruth Misselwitz, evangelische Theologin, ehem. Vorsitzende von Aktion Sühnezeichen
Prof. Dr. Norman Paech, Völkerrechtler, ehem. Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, Politikwissenschaftler und Soziologe
Prof. Dr. Gert Sommer, Psychologe, ehem. Direktoriummitglied des Zentrums für
Konfliktforschung in Marburg
Hans Christoph Graf von Sponeck, ehem. Beigeordneter Generalsekretär der UNO
Dr. Antje Vollmer, ehem. Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages
Konstantin Wecker, Musiker, Komponist und Autor